USO responds to criticism over pink care packages

Last week I criticized the USO’s care packages designed specifically for female soldiers – they were stuffed with things like makeup and Cosmo.

The USO has responded on their blog:

You see, we’ve been hearing from women service members since our Care Package program – Operation USO Care Package – began (that was about 2 million Care Packages ago). We listened carefully, and decided to try to create a package that answered their requests. The Care Package for Female Troops in its current version reflects what women told us they would like to have while serving overseas. Maybe we got it wrong, or maybe this is one of those good deeds that does not go unpunished. Either way, we don’t intend to guess. We routinely survey all Care Package recipients to find out what the troops actually want – not what we think they should have. We have and will continue to make adjustments to the program.

I thought the mixed response in comments last week was really interesting – many of you felt that the USO was just responding to what female soldier had shown interest in, others felt that the organization was being condescending, and assuming what women should want. No matter how you feel about it, I think the good thing is that we’re having these conversations about women in the military and taking their service seriously.

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