Support a hero, support Dr. Carhart!

Dr. Carhart, former colleague of Dr. Tiller (murdered in May), has been the target of Anti-Choice group “Operation Rescue” and several others for the past few months. Dr. Carhart, along with other abortion providers, put up with the violence coming from these pro-terrorist groups every day. Abortion providers are fighting a war. They’re fighting for you, me, our future daughters, granddaugthers, great granddaughters.. and they’re NOT giving up! Dr. Carhart is one of these corageous abortion providers who has vowed to fight with and for us as long as he is able.

Ever since Dr. Tiller’s assassination, groups such as Operation Rescue have shifted their target to Dr. Carhart. He is their target for their harassment. He is the next on their hit list. Please, help us fight the good fight, and sign this petition for Dr. Carhart! You can even send him a thank-you letter or volunteer to become a Clinic Escort. There’s more information inside the link!

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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