Want to be Feministing’s Community Moderator?

To help us moderate comments across the site, we’re looking to bring someone on to the Feministing team to focus on comments and community moderation. With the awesome growth of the community blog and traffic to the site, we’ve decided it’s time to have someone dedicated to this aspect of the Feministing community.
Folks may have noticed we’re using the approval-only function on the front page posts more often these days–this is to help us moderate comments until we bring someone on who is dedicated to that work. Thanks for your patience.
The description and instructions for applying are after the jump.

Feministing is seeking a blog-savvy feminist to join their team as a Community Moderator (CM). The CM’s role at Feministing will be to moderate comments on Feministing’s home page and Community site, ensuring that comment threads are in line with Feministing’s Comment Policy, that offensive comments are moderated (through a system of warnings, deleting and banning) and that progressive conversation is facilitated.
We are seeking someone who is very familiar with blogging and the feminist blogosphere in particular. (A history of commenting on Feministing or other feminist blogs is a plus.) Because of the volume of post content and comments on Feministing, this position would be best filled by someone who spends a good portion of their day online and who has the freedom to be checking comment threads throughout the work day.
This position is a paid one, with the amount of remuneration dependent on our monthly advertising income. Our hourly rate changes every month, as our income does. We will explain in detail to candidates who are contacted.
Please send a resume and cover letter explaining why you’re interested in the position to contact@feministing.com; please put “Community Moderator” in the subject line.

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