Weekly Feminist Reader

Love her.
The Matthew Shepard-James Byrd Hate Crimes Bill passed the Senate. (For a dissenting view on hate crimes laws, read Jos’s take.)
Are big movies with strong female leads damned if they do, damned if they don’t? More from Women & Hollywood.
How the Superfreakonomics writers get it wrong on sex work.
On Law & Order‘s anti-choice propaganda.
A Utah OB puts its anti-woman policies on a sign for all to see.
The gender gap in the results of a survey of DC teens about sex.
Challenging assumptions about working mothers.
The nation’s only African-American lacrosse team.
Ramapriya Gopalakrishnan on her life as a single, urban, and happy Indian woman.
The Navy announced it would start stationing women on submarines. Cue sexist outcry!
A new report reveals the level of discrimination and inequality faced by trans people in Britain.
Disability and sexuality 101.
I don’t have an issue with Obama having a regular all-male basketball game. But I am tired of male politicians citing the “strong women in their lives” as proof somehow that they have no gender biases.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development has taken a stand against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Does Islam need a sexual revolution?
Writes Tami, “I’ve come to expect black women, especially plus-sized ones, to be the butt of the joke in low-brow comedy films–the sort of flicks commonly associated with Eddie Murphy, Rob Scheider or Tyler Perry.” But now Amy Poehler, too? Ugh.
What have you all been reading/writing this week?

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