My teacher asks “What dont or do like about the opposite gender?”

Today I was asked in speech class to talk about “If I were God, what would I change?” and “What do you like or dislike about the opposite gender?”

Two very biased questions from the beginning, right? Well, I expected a little bit more from a world traveler that is my teacher.

The first question, which someone even said they didn’t believe in God so they wouldn’t answer it, I answered that I wouldn’t change anything. We live in a world that isn’t blissful for a reason–it insteads allows us to realize compassion, tolerance, understanding, and right from wrong.

Without a yen there is no yang. But I would have an average person be eliminated of ignorance about the realities of the world to perhaps inspire or urge them to change what they feel is wrong. We are the ones to change this world, not God. We have to accept and try to change our actions.

The second answer was a doozy.

There was already sexist remarks about “Well I don’t think girls are funny” and bull. So I knew this wouldn’t be understood by this crowd — the word misogyny. I said I would change misogyny, insecurities, and ignorance of the other gender.

The teacher (who makes u watch a playback in another room on the tv) asked “Is misogyny the marriage of two races?”

Wow. Yah, I was sort of shocked by this woman’s question, especially since she said “I’m married to a misogynist Republican but he’s a good guy” when introducing herself.

I also think I said something about how I am sick of objectification
of woman for the sake of selling a product, how every other commerical
is some naked woman.

And I heard a girl say ‘SO TRUE’

Since most of the students talked about non serious issues like “I’d
make people FLY if I was God” or other kinda stupid answers, they
probably weren’t ready for my serious answer.

Anyways, I felt from the beginning this was set up for the fight of
the genders. I also noticed how most of the woman said ‘I like guys
who…” more often then guys who said “I hate women who” or just plain
using stereotypes like using the bathroom too long or complaining or
that guys always forget to put the toliet seat down.

Most of the girls had really silly values when it came to guys “he
should dress nice” more often then “treat me with respect” or that “I
totally hate it when guys start a fight for no reason to look tough” I
quickily asked “What kind of guys are YOU hanging out with?” *I also
added later how Rihanna’s abuse was tolerated and even used for victim
blaming and that really scares me.

I felt I answered properly, but was waiting for the sexism too. To
my suprise, there were a few girls next to me who had an understanding
of what I was talking about.

I think what bothered me the most was my teacher’s comment on
misogyny, and that it wasn’t addressed more often by the girls when the
guys had no problem pointing out things. I felt maybe they wanted to
fit in or really had nothing in their heads but air.

what do you guys think of the speech class?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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