McCain states the obvious: GOP needs more hispanic support

The question is, how in the world are they going to get it?
Via HuffPo:

“On the issue of the Hispanic voter, we have to do a lot more. We Republicans have to recruit and elect Hispanics to office,” McCain told CNN’s State of Union. “And I don’t mean just because they’re Hispanics, but they represent a big part of the growing population in America. And we have a lot of work to do there. And I am of the belief that unless we reverse the trend of Hispanic voter registration, we have a very, very deep hole that we’ve got to come out of.”
While he was one of only a handful of Republicans willing to tackle immigration reform in 2007, McCain faced a massive deficit with Hispanic voters in the 2008 election. His aides have said that, were he not the home state senator, he would have lost Arizona to Barack Obama, in large part because Hispanics had left the Republican Party in droves.

It’s hard to imagine how a party which is staunchly anti-immigrant, anti-social programs, anti-bilingual education, who is opposing the first Latina Supreme Court Justice nominee, is going to find a way to lure more Latino voters.
Thanks for stating the obvious McCain, that the Latino population is a growing minority in the United States and you’re in trouble if you don’t get some of them into the ballot box for you. Some estimates are that by 2050 one in every four person in the US will be Latino.
There is no way your party is going to get the support of Latinos until you change your politics. Favoring immigration enforcement (aka border fences, raids and inhumane treatment of immigrant detainees) over immigration reform isn’t going to win you much favor with a primarily immigrant community. Even Cuban-Americans (of which I am one) who have traditionally voted Republican because of the Republican anti-Castro hard line, are starting to swing toward the Democrats.
Maybe the changing demography of this country will finally force the party to realize it can’t only support the interests of a small sector of upper-middle class white folks and be successful. Here’s to hoping.
UPDATE: McCain declared today that he will oppose Judge Sotomayor’s confirmation. Thanks for proving my point McCain.

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