New study says feminists aren’t manhaters after all

I find it both deeply troubling and kind of awesome that this study in the Psychology of Women Quarterly was done. I mean, aren’t we past the whole feminists-hate-men thing yet? (I know, I know – that one will never get old.)
Three researchers from the University of Houston found that feminists aren’t “man-haters” and – get this! – anti-feminists are the ones who have more negative attitudes about men.
“Our work finds that, indeed, non-feminists believe in traditional gender roles such as men being breadwinners and women being caregivers. At the same time, these non-feminists actually appear to resent the confines of the traditional roles they advocate, which presents a paradox for women and men in traditional heterosexual relationships,” says researcher Melinda Kanner. (Emphasis mine)
If that’s right, the folks at the Independent Women’s Forum and Concerned Women for America must be the most man-hatingest ladies out there! (Watch your back, Solanas!)

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