Ladiez in Waiting

I can’t fully express right now all the reasons why this article in my local "alternative" newspaper rubs me the wrong way. It’s too early in the morning for me to give the complete analysis that it deserves. (Those of you in different time zones, have at it.)
Pushing the idea that all a rebellious teenage girl in the ghetto needs to turn her life around is a pair of white gloves, posture lessons, and a promise ring is not only deeply condescending, but also a short term false solution. These girls are going through the motions to appease their mothers, their schools, and their pastors but what do they really need to change their lives? No one asks the girls why do you feel like running away or what can I do to help you get better grades. Or how can we prepare you for college instead of just telling you that a firm handshake will help you succeed in the boardroom. All they are saying is: "You are bad and if you do everything that we say, maybe you’ll be good enough one day for someone to want to marry your rebellious ass. Now, don’t slouch."
The way it ends is also bothersome. Sort of like the author is reveling in the face that her own presumptions about teens of color are somehow validated because a stupid ring wouldn’t fit the girl’s finger. And what’s with making every organization that works to help young POC end in a "z"?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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