Woo Hoo, Commercials That Aren’t Sexist!

Here is a refreshing change from the overwhelming amount of sexist advertising we see daily. I love these commercials. They advertise to women not as “the other sex,” but as “a consumer.” They are also damn funny, and I think a lot of the humor has to do with the fact that they’re not trying to dumb anything down by using only situations they think we can “relate to” as women; which, in the mind of the mass media, generally means unintelligent discussions of beauty, weight, crushes, relationships, marriage, mothering, gossip, and oh- chocolate. Both commercials talk to women like they are *gasp* normal people with *gaaaasp* a sense of humor. The second one also portrays a woman as an (hilarious) individual (not a stereotype) without making a big deal about it, like it’s an anomaly. I approve.
Clear Blue Commercial:

Verizon Commercial:

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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