Friday Morning Shocker: Anti-Feminist Lawyer Loses Women’s Studies Suit

Who’s smirkin’ now, sucka?
Remember the anti-feminist lawyer who was suing Columbia for offering Women’s Studies courses because, according to him, it’s discriminatory towards men? His case (not surprisingly) was thrown out last week by a Manhattan judge.
This is not the only case Roy Den Hollander has pursued; he’s also filed lawsuits against clubs that offer Ladies Nights (because of course that’s feminism’s doing?), and is pretty blatant in the acknowledgment that his sole purpose in life is working against the evil feminist machine, saying:

“What I’m trying to do now in my later years is fight everybody who violates my rights… the Feminazis have infiltrated institutions, and there’s been a transfer of rights from guys to girls.”

Holy eloquence. Is this dude really a lawyer? Also not surprisingly, when the judge dismissed his suit, Hollander “assailed the judge as [insert gasp] a feminist” and claimed that “[w]hen it comes to men’s rights, judges act with an arrogance of power, ignorance of the law, and fear of the feminists.”
There are too many contradictions there even worth repeating, but regardless you better be careful – that kind of talk may not bode well with The Feminists…

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