Meghan McCain, Pro-Life?

So, recently I’ve been following Meghan McCain. I didn’t really pay much attention to her during the campaign; I had heard she was writing her Blogette, but I didn’t know much about her besides that she was John McCain’s daughter. But when she spoke out against Laura Ingraham’s comments about her weight, I started to pay attention. As a young woman writer who is about my age, I thought it was pretty cool that she was pro-body image and so secure with herself. I know that we differ a lot of many issues, but I still think she’s a cool and admirable gal.
I began following her on Twitter and saw that she was guest-hosting the view, so I made sure to catch that episode. They asked her if she was pro-choice and she said that she was pro-life, but then said she doesn’t plan to have children. Assuming she is not abstinent, wouldn’t that mean she is pro-birth control? If she wants to decide for herself when and if she wants to have children, shouldn’t she be supportive for other women to have those same choices?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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