FOX News employs crazy stalkers

Amanda Terkel, a blogger for ThinkProgress, wrote an almost unbelievable account of her stalking by FOX News crews while on vacation so they can ambush her about a comment she had written calling bullshit on Bill O’Reilly’s hypocracy towards rape victims.

Her story is here:

"My friend and I were in this small town for a short weekend vacation and had told no one about where we were going. I can only infer that the two men staked out my apartment and then followed me for two hours. Looking back, my friend and I remember seeing their tan SUV following us for much of the trip."

…as if I needed another reason to hate that man and that channel.  This is the off-air version of O’Reilly’s on-air tactic of just yelling over any guest who disagrees with him. That O’Reilly is so insecure about critical reaction to his comments to the point of stalking his critics is amazing, and that any news channel would put up with this kind of behavior and still take itself seriously is absurd.  FOX News is to journalism what World Wrestling Entertainment is to sports.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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