The new Dora

There has been some discussion lately about the impending remake of Dora the Explorer, one of the first Latina cartoon characters. Well Dora is growing up and they’ve just released her new image.

Veronica at Viva La Feminista has some thoughts about the make-over.

The outrage is not just about Dora, it is because we know that Dora is the safe one. The good girl. The toy and cartoon that we haven’t had to monitor. Any tampering with our Dora rocks our world. If Dora isnt’ safe, what the hell will we do?
The outrage is powered by pent up outrage over the sexualization of our daughters, of their dolls and their clothing.
The outrage is far more than just tween-ifying Dora. It is about all the other small things that inch our daughters closer to 90210 and further away from cuddling with us on the couch with the Backyardigans. It’ll happen in its own time…if society let it happen in its own time.

My first thought was, well I’m glad they didn’t lighten her skin. It’s frustrating how little control we have over these representations of women and girls and how large of an impact they have on us.
What do you all think of the new Dora?
For those who don’t remember, her before picture is after the jump.

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