Turn your back on Rick Warren

Along with millions of other people, I plan on braving the cold, the crowds, and the security checkpoints to witness Obama take his oath of office tomorrow.
And despite all the logistical obstacles, I’m really looking forward to it. Well, everything but Rick Warren. Which is why this letter to Savage Love struck a chord:

I’m going to Barack Obama’s inauguration in Washington, D.C., on January 20. I’ve spent eight years, one month, one week, and one day waiting for this. (But who’s counting?) However, I am looking for suggestions for a respectful way to protest the participation of Rick Warren. […]
While my friends want me to throw shoes, that ain’t gonna happen. Ideally, I’d like a peaceful, gracious way to protest Warren’s participation that won’t undercut this great day, a way that can be picked up (and publicized) by folks on the Mall. Any suggestions?

The first thing that came to my mind was how Washington University students expressed their opposition to Phyllis Schalfly’s speech at their graduation. As Schlafly stood up to speak, thousands of students turned their backs on her in silent protest. It made for a great image — they literally turned their backs on her hate-filled rhetoric and anti-feminist bullshit.
It’s probably too late to organize this sort of widespread effort now, but how amazing would it be if thousands of people on the National Mall tomorrow turned their backs on Rick Warren? I know that at least I’ll be turning around when he stands to give the invocation.
Alternatively, Dan Savage suggests:

[…] borrow a page from those long-suffering gay Catholics. To register their displeasure with the pope’s revealing obsession with gay sex, gay marriage, and gay shoes (the douchebag wears Prada), some gay Catholics wear rainbow sashes to mass. Perhaps folks disappointed by Warren’s participation could coordinate a similar sartorial protest? Everyone wear a button with that rainbow-striped version of the Obama logo? Wave little rainbow flags during Warren’s remarks? Head to the Mall in nothing but rubber chaps?

What are your protest suggestions?

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