World’s Largest “Pro-Anorexia” Site

This site claims to be helping anorexic people by allowing them interaction with other anorexics or bulimics. The posts are shocking. It is clear that the site is trying to create a supportive environment yet the participants are supporting each others weight loss goals. Those who express a desire to stop what they are doing because they are feeling the harsh affects of their illness don’t seem very supported but that is just my opinion.
Here is how the site describes the community it is trying to create:

ProAnorexia [pro’-an-uh-rek’-see-uh] -n. An environment where those who suffer the mental disorders associated with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia and Ed-Nos can feel free to discuss their disorders with others who know and understand, without being exposed to the constant “just eat more”, “fasting is dangerous” and “purging is dangerous” that causes them to withdraw from society in the real world.

These disorders have existed longer than the internet. The medical profession tells us that the restricting calories and purging come automatically with the disorders; they are not taught or learned behaviors. Further, they say the disorders are not voluntary, not things that can be “caught” from others, nor stopped when desired.
What does this mean? It means that anorexics are going to restrict, and bulimics are going to purge, WHETHER OR NOT THEY PARTICIPATE HERE, and if they are going to do it anyway, they can take advantage of the knowledge and experience of others to avoid doing things in dangerous ways.
Are ProAnorexia sites dangerous to health? NO, says the most published study. The well-known “Stanford Study”, Surfing for Thinness: A Pilot Study of Pro-Eating Disorder Web Site Usage in Adolescents With Eating Disorders, in 2006 stated as part of its findings: “Pro-eating disorder site users did not differ from nonusers in health outcomes . . . “.
The primary strength and purpose for this community is suicide prevention. This is the second leading cause of death among anorexics, right behind heart attacks. When a person is alone and suicidal at 3 am anywhere in the world, she can come here to get comfort and support from those who understand and care what she is going through. We maintain traffic and activity here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It saves lives.
There are hundreds, if not thousands of members who will tell you they would not be alive today if not for this community.
We are dedicated to the health of our members. We have many programs and areas we’d like to develop, including recovery programs.

I am not exactly sure what to think about this but I know it’s not the best way to reach out to people who need help. I think the feministing community would help way more just like it helped me : )

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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