Teenage Girls Receive Child Porn Charges for Taking Pictures of Themselves

This story is just ridiculous. Three girls (“14 or 15″ years old) apparently took nude pictures of themselves on their cellphones and sent them to three teenage boys. “Police said the girls are being charged with manufacturing, disseminating or possessing child pornography while the boys face charges of possession.” While someone, somewhere (parents and friends, maybe?), might legitimately be concerned that there is something inappropriate going on between the teenagers, it seems patently absurd to me that the girls would receive child pornography charges for taking pictures of themselves. From the article, it sounds like they weren’t even engaged in any kind of sex act in the photo — “It was a self portrait taken of a juvenile female taking pictures of her body, nude.” Is a girl taking a nude self-portrait harming herself? If we think so, what does that reveal about how we think about teenage girls and their bodies?
Furthermore, it looks like the girls are being punished for what other people might do with the pictures — sort of a preemtive “blame the victim” mentality.
‘It’s very dangerous,’ said [the police Captain]. ‘Once it’s on a cell phone, that cell phone can be put on the Internet where everyone in the world can get access to that juvenile picture. You don’t realize what you are doing until it’s already done.’
That’s right — watch out, girls, because every individual that might react to your behavior, even in the distant future, even through many degrees of separation, is not responsible for their actions — you are.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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