Weekly Feminist Reader

Just two days before the election, every single guest on the Sunday political talk shows is a man.
The first female judge was appointed to a Palestinian religious court.
We’ve discussed Biden and the Violence Against Women Act before, but RH Reality Check has more on his efforts to pass an International VAWA.
On a related note, men’s rights groups are upset about a series of anti-domestic-violence ads in Dallas.
Check out and submit to the Transgender Carnival, which now has a permanent website home.
Women with disabilities are more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence.
As series of anti-domestic violence ads in Dallas have the men’s rights crowd all riled up.
Rebecca Traister on women in nightly news.
JC Penney apparently doesn’t do “black hair.” WTF?!
Kay has a historical perspective on same-sex marriage.
A mailer from Bed, Bath and Beyond essentially promotes eating disorders.
Boston Magazine has a long feature about the lives of teenage girls in Gloucester, MA, and goes beyond the “pregnancy pact” label affixed by the media. (via)
I’m not sure how to reconcile the news that the Democratic party is running a high number of anti-choice candidates this year with the news that pro-choice messaging is also prevalent in this election
Obama goes on the record against Prop 8 in California.
Jill has even more links.
Actions and Events
Take the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s discrimination survey.
Nov. 14: Feminism and bioethics conference in New York.
What have you all been reading/writing this week?

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