National Review: Women who don’t support Palin are just upset about their abortions

Now this is rich. Kevin Burke, a proponent of the invented “post abortion syndrome,” writes that the criticism of Sarah Palin “may have a relationship to the collective grief, shame, and guilt from personal involvement in the abortion of an unborn child.” Here I thought voters made decisions based on the issues that matter to them – little did I know that women across the country who don’t support Palin are simply depressed about all of those abortions we’ve been having!
Burke gets even classier when he brings Palin’s pregnant teen daughter into the mix:

If Bristol Palin had quietly aborted, Sarah Palin would have been spared the politically untimely focus on this very personal family issue. The problem would have quietly gone away. But Bristol, like countless post abortive women, would have paid a high price to protect her mother from the political heat that her pregnancy brings to the campaign. We know from our work with thousands of women who feel pressured to abort for various reasons that she would surely suffer many of the common post-abortion symptoms; depression, promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse, sleep disorders, and relational problems. But she would have suffered in silence; no one would know her secret. No one would acknowledge that she has reason to grieve or have symptoms after abortion. Sarah Palin would have lost not only her precious grandchild…she likely would have lost her daughter Bristol to the silent ravages of post abortion suffering.

Wow, given that one in three American women will have an abortion in her lifetime – there must be millions of tired, addicted, slutty, depressed, single women running around voting Democrat!
Seriously, conservatives need to get their heads out of their asses – and out of our uteruses. (Sorry, not the best visual.)

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