The Economist and Gender Bending

The Economist has an article regarding the evolution of homosexuality , stating that the "genes that make some people gay could also make their brothers and sisters fecund" (was that really the best word they could have used?  Anyway…)

I was curious what the readers hear on Feministing thought , especially because I detect an absolute hatred of theory suggesting biological determinism (either hard/strict or soft versions) on this site.

Last paragraph for those of you who don’t want to check the link:

According to the final crunching of the numbers, genes explain 27% of an individual’s gender identity and 59% of the variation in the number of sexual partners that people have. The team also measured the genetic component of sexual orientation and came up with a figure of 47%—more or less the same, therefore, as that from previous studies. The idea that it is having fecund relatives that sustains homosexuality thus looks quite plausible.


Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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