Why Does Religion Trump Women’s Lives Every Time

The UK is supposed to be secular.  Of course it’s not.  In two days two different religious groups are threatening not just women’s rights or freedoms but – their lives.

Life-threatening screw-up number one.  We now have Islamic Sharia courts operating in the UK.  Yes, I know you’re thinking – that’s impossible, people would NEVER tolerate this.  But these courts don’t deal with big crimes – just little trivial ones like inheritances, divorces and domestic violence.  So far they’ve ruled in six domestic violence cases and in each case decided it’s best for the husband to take anger management classes and the wife to be sent back to live with him.  And the British judicial system will enforce these rulings despite the fact that we know two women a week are mudered by their violent partners in the UK.  Religion 1 – Women’s Lives 0 .

Life-threatening screw-up number two.  We’ve just started a nationwide campaign to protect young women from often deadly cervical cancer by vaccinating them against HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) which can lead to cervical cancer.  Unless of course your daughter attends a Catholic school.  Then she might just not be getting it because her life is less important than some religious nonsense about promoting promiscuity.  Religion 2 – Women’s Lives 0 .

So vote now – which is it:

1) There is no God (hint: this is true)

2) Religious leaders have got it very wrong (hint: this is also true)

3) God hates vaginas (hint: not possible, they’re great!  also see 1)

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

Feminist writer, activist and stand-up comedienne.

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