The Good and Bad News in UK Rape Case

Community blogger MaraJ3791 covered this a couple of days ago, and thankfully some good news has come out of this heinousness.
The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) attempts to mitigate violent crimes in the UK by giving victims reparations. But in their most recent case, a 25-year old woman who was raped was told the £11,000 she was to be given was actually going to be reduced by 25% because she was drinking on the night she was assaulted. She received a letter saying that, “the evidence shows that your excessive consumption of alcohol was a contributing factor in the incident.”
“It was just so cruel and unthinking and so wrong because there is nothing you can do to prevent yourself being raped. It is not illegal to go out and have a drink, it is illegal to rape somebody,” said the survivor.
The good news is that after some pushing, the decision has been overturned. But unfortunately, this is too little too late for others. The CICA also acknowledged that they had already cut reparations for 14 other rape victims this year, but refused to review the past cases to potentially right their wrong.
“If an applicant accepts our decision then that case is finalised and closed,” the CICA said. “If they wish to ask for a review they must do this themselves, in writing.”
The fact that these people can be so smug after admitting guilty to blatant injustice through victim-blaming is beyond me. Let the CICA know that they should take responsibility for their shameful actions and give the 14 women their reviews; they certainly shouldn’t have ask for it.

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