New Glass Ceiling by DailyKos

This just hit my Google Reader DailyKos stream and I was wondering what the Feministing Community thinks:

Racist Geraldine Ferraro is happily constructing new glass ceilings for women politicians . In short, if they’re not named "Hillary Clinton", they don’t deserve VP consideration.

She’s apparently still bitter that Obama had such an advantage being black with a middle name "Hussein". Who could ever overcome an opponent named Hussein in modern day America?

What’s amazing is how other prominent women are piling on.

Marcia Pappas, who heads the New York state chapter of the National Organization for Women, believes that Clinton supporters “would be outraged to know she was not given that right of first refusal.”

“She is the only woman in history who has ever garnered this much support,” Pappas continued. “She is the only woman in history who was able to raise the kind of money one would need to run a presidential campaign.”

Pamela Sumners, who directs the Missouri chapter of the abortion-rights group NARAL, added that Clinton “is now seen as the reigning dean of the women’s movement. It’s sort of Moses gets all the way to the mountain and doesn’t get to the promised land — and I think there would be people really angry about that.”

Here I thought Clinton’s run was about shattering glass ceilings. Turns out it was the scaffolding for a new one.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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