Maybe you didn’t know this, but no one gets raped anymore, and certainly, no one ever gets pregnant from rape.

I’ve been fuming about one conversation for the last three months. 

I was sitting in history class, already pissed because my teacher decided we were going to cover the ENTIRE feminist movement in a half hour. Oh, and of course, we didn’t actually learn about feminism, we just listened to him rant with Anti-Choice BULLSHIT. But one thing…one thing I just can’t get past. As the lone (I know…right?) pro-choicer in the room, I was doing my best speak for the majority of Americans who believe that abortion should be legal and accessible. I was doing my best to stay away from the typical defenses, but when my teacher said “Well, every pregnancy is the consequence of an action someone choses to do. Why should people get to avoid these consequences?”, I nearly lost it. I challenged him: “And what about the women who are raped and impregnated? Should their bodies be taken prisoner by a fetus they did not CHOOSE to conceive?” (I didn’t even touch on the fact that a woman who decides to get an abortion has to go through more shit from the anti-choicers standing outside the clinic and members of her family, faith community, or friends than anyone should ever have to for a medical procedure. That seems like quite an important consequence to me.)

His reply astounded me. “Well, you know thats just a weak defense. Rape is so much less common now-a-days and women almost never get pregnant by a rapist. Thats just not a valid excuse.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Chambers, but the last time I checked, the rates of rape and sexual assault are still disgustingly high, and conception doesn’t depend on whether the sex was consensual or not. Besides, with this line of logic, are you saying that its ok for even one woman to be forced to carry the pregnancy caused by her rapist to term? Is it ok as long as it doesn’t affect ‘that many’ people?”

After this, the discussion was promptly ended and we moved on the Watergate…or something. I stopped listening to him. 

To me, this conversation represents the worst of anti-feminism in our society. Not only did Mr. Chambers successfully spew every horrible anti-choice talking point I’ve ever heard, he dismissed the millions of women who are victims of rape and sexual assault. According to him, we don’t even exist.

Its not Friday and this isn’t a video, but Fuck You Mr. Chambers. 

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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