Where do we go from here?

As someone who, honestly, was not deeply invested in either side of the Clinton/Obama battle, I’m excited that the primary season is over and we can move to the next phase of this process.
But, as I see yet another thread dividing along the same battle lines, I wonder, not about the Democratic Party, or even among feminists, but just between the members of the Feministing community, what’s next? This is not a rhetorical question. I’d really like to hear from all of you. How are we going to spend the next 147 days? I’m not suggesting as some have that Clinton supporters “get over it.” It’s pretty crappy to expect that when people feel so passionately.* I’m just curious about what your plans are.
My priority is to elect Barack Obama, and keep John McCain out of the White House. I want to spend a lot of time, and maybe a little money making it happen. And I hope that all of the passionate work that’s been done so far throughout the campaigns can continue, and that issues that matter to us can be an integral part of ushering in a new chapter in this country. To paraphrase Michelle Obama, I’d like to be truly proud of this country and excited rather than frightened about the direction we are taking. We’ve seen what the Right is willing to do or say to win. And I say bring it.
Your turn.
*Also, I’ve got no place to complain about that. I can’t stand to watch reruns of Jeffrey winning Project Runway, and that has no importance in my life at all.

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