Emergency Contraception approved for over-the-counter sale in Canada

planb.jpgYay for Canada! Last week, emergency contraception was approved for over-the-counter status.

In its final ruling, the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) has given Plan B, or Levonorgestrel, full over-the-counter status.
This new status will make Canada the fifth country worldwide that allows women to go into any pharmacy and purchase the single dose pill without speaking to a pharmacist first. Plan B is already available without a prescription and a medical consultation in Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and India.

EC had been given partial over-the-counter status in Canada in 2005, making the contraceptive available to women who had a medical consultation with a pharmacist.
EC is available without a prescription in the U.S., but conscience clause laws, extremist (asshole) pharmacists, scare-tactics and age-limitations have impeded women’s full access.

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