Irish poll: Rape victims partly to blame

This is definitely depressing: A national poll in Ireland showed that a shocking (well, I guess not) number of people think that rape survivors are totally or partially responsible for being attacked.

More than 30% think a victim is some way responsible if she flirts with a man or fails to say no clearly.
10% of people think the victim is entirely at fault if she has had a number of sexual partners.
37% think a woman who flirts extensively is at least complicit, if not completely in the wrong, if she is the victim of a sex crime.
One in three think a woman is either partly or fully to blame if she wears revealing clothes.
38% believe a woman must share some of the blame if she walks through a deserted area.

Just…wow. I really can’t wait to get to WAM this weekend – there’s something about being around hundreds of feminists that really cheers a gal up, even in the face of news like this.
Thanks to Denise for the link.

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