Slut-shaming “Kristen” in the media

I wasn’t going to post about the sex worker, “Kristen,” in the middle of the Spitzer scandal – because I didn’t want to add to the intrusion into her privacy and the general seediness of the coverage. But the media coverage – whose latest take on the story is that Kristen being outed is actually good for her and she probably is stoked about it – is just a little too much to handle. (Note: I’m not reprinting her real name on this blog because she didn’t come forward willingly.)
This was the headline, from CNN, that first caught my attention:
Now, if this was a quote given to CNN in reference to the Spitzer mess I wouldn’t take issue with it. But this quote is actually just lifted from her MySpace page and made to seem like it’s a response to the scandal. I guess journalistic integrity goes out the window when it comes to slut-shaming!
The newest coverage is all about how fabulous it is for Kristen that she’s been outed as a sex worker, and that it’s probably the best thing ever to happen to her.
Take this headline from the Associated Press:
Or another one on CNN for the same AP article:
Or this one, from The Washington Post,
The reporter goes on to write:

No, a record deal isn’t a sure thing. But look at it this way: She had no chance on Tuesday, before anyone knew her name, and she has a slender chance now that more than 2.3 million people have visited [her MySpace page] and heard her songs.

See? All the amazing fame and fortune she’s sure to get from the scandal is totes worth being shamed by disgusting reporters!
In addition to the gross assumptions that Kristen will benefit from this situation, the fact that her fucking MySpace page is being used to piece together the events of her life is just beyond wrong. The media is creating a narrative for this woman in the absence of any substantive quotes from her. It’s completely dehumanizing; they’re using her MySpace profile and her pictures as if she’s a product from a goddamn catalog. And I’m just sick over it.
Please, contact any media outlets you see participating in this shaming and call them out on it.

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