Dawn Eden: You should be ashamed of yourself

You know, despite chastity whore Dawn Eden‘s anti-choice (and other) craziness I held a very teeny tiny soft spot in my heart for her because she once stood up for me during the boobie fiasco. Very stupid idea on my part–because this is beyond vile.

Jessica Valenti of Feministing asks: “How is one supposed to feel about the state of the education system when a college gives medical benefits to employee’s pets but not to same sex partners?”
Not being an animal lover, I’d have to guess the answer is about the same as I feel about the state of the legal system when the law gives the right not to have their brains sucked out to pets, but not to human babies in the womb.
On that point, Valenti, blogmistress for NARAL Pro-Choice America (left), who clearly adores her dog, disagrees.
There’s an interesting logic there. A pet is worth less than a same-sex couple — but more than a 36-week fetus in the womb.
Hey, Jessica, I’ll make you a deal. The next time you’re pregnant, instead of taking that EC and relying upon the prospect of an abortion as backup, just have the baby. (Emphasis mine)

For reals, bitch? The next time I’m pregnant? Do you have some sort of insider knowledge of my uterus’ history that I’m unaware of? No? Then shut the fuck up. I know it’s inconceivable to some anti-choicers that a woman would want to protect reproductive rights and health for all women no matter what her own reproductive history, and that it’s easier to paint pro-choicers as harlots who get an abortion a week than be honest, but seriously? For shame.
(And by the way, pregnant women don’t take EC–read a book, dumb dumb.)
UPDATE: Also funny–and telling–is that Dawn took down this picture of me from her post after a commenter complained that I was “immodestly dressed.” Shoulders, apparently, are the new cooter.
UPDATE (AGAIN): It seems Dawn has taken the post down and apologized. I’m still irritated that she would write it at all, but the retraction is appreciated.

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