Who’s got the dudeliest campaign staff?

Of course the manliest of manly men (ahem), Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson, employ only a few female senior staffers. Edwards and Obama don’t fare much better.

Power is difficult to discern, but the relative influence of women within presidential campaigns can be partially gauged by gender ratios among salaried operatives playing strategic leadership and advisory roles, the top twenty best-paid individuals, and staff who were paid more than $9000 in the last quarter.
The campaign of Republican Mike Huckabee achieves the closest gender balance at a near 50% division between men and women on all measures (it is also the smallest of all the major campaigns). The campaigns of Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bill Richardson, and Republican Mitt Romney are also fairly balanced, with Clinton’s somewhat favoring women and Richardson’s and Romney’s somewhat favoring men. The most gender-skewed campaign, in contrast, is that of Rudy Giuliani.

I think Garance correctly assesses this as foreshadowing what the gender breakdown would be in the candidates’ administrations.
And on another election-related note, Dana pleads for people to stop referring to Giuliani as pro-choice. She notes that “‘pro-choice’ politicians don’t ‘reassure’ Sam Brownback that they’ll appoint “strict constructionist” justices to the Supreme Court following the model of John Roberts, as Giuliani did yesterday.”

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