Building an Old Girls’ Club

Why is it a good idea to hold networking events for women only?
Because historically male institutions — like law firms, opinion journalism outlets, Wall Street — have had male-centric bonding and networking events in place for decades. Because most of my potential female mentors immediately head home to their children at the end of the workday, and opportunities to grab a drink with them or interact outside the office don’t materialize very often. Because women are more likely to make connections and pull each other up the ladder if they have a chance to interact in an all-female environment. Because it’s fun.

Some male executives think ambitious women would be wiser to learn to play golf — still a primary way men in business socialize and lay the groundwork for deal making. And some women are ambivalent about women-only events that may cause them to be viewed as “frivolous.”

Yeah, there’s nothing frivolous about golf.
Jill has even more reasons why women-only networking is a good idea.

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