You like us! You really, really like us!

Everything about this rubbed me the wrong way.
This weekend’s World Economic Forum held a “Powerful Womenâ€? reception, which was co-sponsored by Forbes and Ernst & Young. The welcoming speeches were given by the (male) CEOs of the companies as well. You can try to redeem yourself, Forbes…

Heads of state, ministers and chief executives were among those who attended…
But there were also a lot of men.
‘I think that shows that men like powerful women,’ quipped Deborah Platt Majoras, chairman (yes, that’s what her business card says) of the United States Federal Trade Commission, as she scanned the room while sipping a glass of champagne.

The whole coverage was about men’s reaction, even the one quote by a female attendee.

Mr. Forbes said he was not intimidated by the concentration of high-powered women in the room.
‘I have six of them at home,’ he said, referring to his wife and his five daughters.

Ya think he’d be more intimidated by a room full of high-powered feminist bloggers?

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