Women ignoring threat of HIV in the UK.

According to a study done by the Body Shop and MTV, 70 percent of young women (over a 1000 polled) in the UK don’t really think they are likely to get HIV.

Almost three-quarters (71%) said they would feel embarrassed if a condom fell out of their handbag in the ladies’ toilet, while just 32% make it a priority to ask new partners about their sexual history.
More than one in 10 (14%) of the 16- to 30-year-olds questioned said it was a man’s responsibility to carry the condom.
And 10% said they thought a woman who carries a condom is “easy” and sleeps around.
Nearly half (47%) of the 1,064 women interviewed said they ignored the subject of condoms when talking to their friends about their sex life.

Again, without knowing some of the details of the study it is hard to make a conclusion, however something to think about:
If people that have access to contraception don’t use it, it isn’t looking good for people that don’t. And it is interesting that the study reported that several of these women thought that only homosexuals, drugs-users and developing countries has AIDS. Gotta love some ignorant thought to keep you, well ignorant.
via Daily Mail UK.

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