MA governor tries to force gay marriage amendment.

It looks like Massachusetts Republican Governor Mitt Romney is using his remaining time in office to push a homophobic angle so he can get the anti-gay “badge of honor� from conservatives nationwide.
Shortly after the state legislature recessed to vote on the proposal that would make gay marriage illegal, Romney asked MA’s highest court on Friday to force the legislature to make a decision.
The co-chair of Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, Arline Isaacson, says that Romney is pushing for the vote mostly for political gain. (There’s been talks of his possible candidacy for president in 2008.) “Romney is pursuing this aggressively because he seeks to keep his name front and center at the national level as an anti-gay zealot in order to court conservative voters around the country,” said Isaacson.
I’m not surprised; after all, he does have a history of being a faker.

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