Katherine Arnoldi: Fighting for Teen Moms

Katherine Arnoldi wrote her first article about equal rights for teen moms in a magazine called Hard Labor in 1976. She has won numerous literary awards since then. And her graphic novel, The Amazing True Story of a Teenage Single Mom, published in 1998, was named one of the top ten books of the year by Entertainment Weekly, was awarded two American Library Association Awards, and is being made into a major motion picture.
Katherine Arnoldi became a single mother when she was 17, living in Canton, Ohio in the 1970s. The Amazing True Story of a Teenage Single Mom chronicles Katherine’s journey through abusive relationships, toxic factory work, and the backlash she received as a ...

Katherine Arnoldi wrote her first article about equal rights for teen moms in a magazine called Hard Labor in 1976. She has won numerous literary awards since then. And her graphic novel, The Amazing ...

Unveiled women are like uncovered meat.

Yeah someone actually said that. Specifically, a senior Australian Muslim cleric.

A senior Australian Muslim cleric triggered national outrage today for likening women who dress immodestly to meat that is left out for prey to eat.
Sheik Taj Aldin al Hilali’s spokesman said the cleric’s comments in a sermon last month to mark the Islamic holy month of Ramadan had been taken out of context in a report in The Australian newspaper.
But the spokesman, Keysar Trad, did not challenge the accuracy of the paper’s translation.
“If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden, or in the park, or in the backyard without cover, and the cats come to eat it … ...

Yeah someone actually said that. Specifically, a senior Australian Muslim cleric.

A senior Australian Muslim cleric triggered national outrage today for likening women who dress immodestly to meat that is left out for prey to eat.
Sheik Taj ...

Curbing harassment by standardizing underwear

In an effort to curb sexual harassment, a city in British Columbia is requiring all of its firefighters to wear boxers rather than briefs.
In the wake of harassment allegations from four female firefighters, the department didn’t respond by committing to hiring a critical mass of women, working to change firehouse culture, or instating strict penalties for harassing behavior. Nope, they decided standard underwear (the same boxers will be issued for both male and female firefighters to wear) was the way to go.

The one-style-for-all is part of the city’s attempts to make the department gender-neutral and provide an environment in which men and women will feel comfortable, said Townsend.

This is, apparently, because firefighters have to strip ...

In an effort to curb sexual harassment, a city in British Columbia is requiring all of its firefighters to wear boxers rather than briefs.
In the wake of harassment allegations from four female ...

Fat girlfriends?

I don’t know what to make of this exactly, but I don’t like it. Men come here and put up pictures of their girlfriends and wives that they feel have gotten *fat.* I think it just adds to the wealth of media and knowlegde production dedicated to the hatred of fat people. Do we really need more of that?

I don’t know what to make of this exactly, but I don’t like it. Men come here and put up pictures of their girlfriends and wives that they feel have gotten *fat.* I think it just ...

Opt Out or Pushed Out?

The Center for Work Life Law has a new report called Opt Out or Pushed Out? The True Story of Why Women Leave the Workforce (PDF), a detailed analysis of how the press has covered/created the “opt-out revolution” — plus an examination of the real reasons women exit and enter the workforce.
Findings include:

• although mothers are not increasingly likely to stay home with their children, a real trend is that both men’s household contributions and women’s work hours have stalled;
• better educated women are more likely to be in the labor force than less educated women; and
• women’s decisions to opt out do not represent a return to “traditional� values; in fact, much of what ...

The Center for Work Life Law has a new report called Opt Out or Pushed Out? The True Story of Why Women Leave the Workforce (PDF), a detailed analysis of how the press has covered/created ...

My First Stripper Pole

British superstore Tesco is selling stripper poles in the children’s toy aisle. The perfect gift for your padded-bra wearing, bikini-modeling 8-year-old!

The Tesco Direct site advertises the kit with the words, “Unleash the sex kitten inside…simply extend the Peekaboo pole inside the tube, slip on the sexy tunes and away you go!

My initial reaction is that this product doesn’t look much different from the packaging of certain Barbies, Bratz, or other toys marketed toward girls. Which actually says a lot more about the state of girls’ toys than it does about this particular product. But it’s supposedly an excercise product for adult women, and now Tesco has agreed to only sell it in the ...

British superstore Tesco is selling stripper poles in the children’s toy aisle. The perfect gift for your padded-bra wearing, bikini-modeling 8-year-old!

The Tesco Direct site advertises the kit with the words, ...

Women and stem cell research

The natural way to connect the stem-cell research debate with women’s rights is to note that the same conservatives who are against embryonic stem cell research are also usually opposed to abortion rights. At least that’s one way I’d always thought about the issue.
But as Marcy Darnovsky of the Center for Genetics and Society writes, young women are needed to act as egg donors to further certain types of stem-cell research. And few people are asking the important questions about the safety of egg harvesting.

Most embryonic stem cell research does not require women’s eggs. To date, all existing embryonic stem cell lines have been derived from embryos that were created but not used for fertility ...

The natural way to connect the stem-cell research debate with women’s rights is to note that the same conservatives who are against embryonic stem cell research are also usually opposed to abortion rights. At least ...

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