My First Stripper Pole

British superstore Tesco is selling stripper poles in the children’s toy aisle. The perfect gift for your padded-bra wearing, bikini-modeling 8-year-old!

The Tesco Direct site advertises the kit with the words, “Unleash the sex kitten inside…simply extend the Peekaboo pole inside the tube, slip on the sexy tunes and away you go!

My initial reaction is that this product doesn’t look much different from the packaging of certain Barbies, Bratz, or other toys marketed toward girls. Which actually says a lot more about the state of girls’ toys than it does about this particular product. But it’s supposedly an excercise product for adult women, and now Tesco has agreed to only sell it in the fitness section of its stores. Seems a more acceptable fit in that aisle.
That’s not to say I’m not disturbed my the mere idea of a stripper pole marketed at girls. I just wouldn’t go quite as far as the crazy fundies, who decry the pole’s phallic nature and say it will “destroy children’s innocence.”
via BoingBoing.

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