Most US women owned businesses home-based.

Well I guess if you can’t get into the board room, the living room works.

Nearly half of all U.S. businesses are run from home, and most companies owned by women are home-based, according to a government report released on Wednesday.
The data, showing 56 percent of female-owned businesses are run from home, illustrates how women opt to work from home for an array of family reasons, workplace experts say.
Among businesses owned by men, less than half, or 47 percent, were home-based, said the U.S. Census Bureau report.
“A significant percent of women having businesses in the home are comprised of women who are doing it for family reasons,” said Kathleen Christensen, director of the Workplace, Workforce and Working Families program at the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in New York.

The word “opt” always makes me nervous. I mean are women *really* opting to stay at home? Or is it because a) they can’t afford day care and b) it is difficult for women to advance in the corporate world? Also, I think the internet has made at home businesses much easier to run, especially for women and people of color, who are historically excluded from the workplace.
via Reuters.

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Quick Hit: What Can you do with $443,360 and 12 years?

That’s how much money some working women are missing out on as a result of wage disparities among genders. According to the Huffington Post:

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Yes, we still have to call out sexism against Marissa Mayer

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The news that former Google executive Marissa Mayer had been appointed President and CEO of Yahoo – just a few days before announcing her pregnancy – was met with feminist glee back in July. But the ...