Amnesty International puts out report on domestic violence in Georgia.

Despite recent legislation domestic violence continues to be a huge problem in Georgia. Amnesty USA found in a recent study several reasons why.

“Women in Georgia suffer incredible violence in their own homes, violence that persists due to widespread impunity,” said Larry Cox, executive director of Amnesty International USA (AIUSA). “It’s the government’s responsibility to end this scourge. There are signs of progress, but we’ll be watching closely.”
The 28-page report, Georgia: Thousands suffering in silence: Violence against women in the family, outlines:
* the widespread impunity of perpetrators of domestic violence in Georgia;
* the insufficient measures and services to protect the victims of domestic violence, such as a deficiency in temporary shelters and adequate, safe housing;
* the absence of a functioning cross-referral system with regard to domestic violence cases between different agencies such as health workers, crisis centers, legal aid centers, and law enforcement authorities; and
* the lack of mandatory government training programs for police, procurators, judges and medical staff.


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