Thanks, ABC! (And fuck you, Forbes.)

Yeah, I’m still bitter.
On Friday night, ABC World News ran a segment about the Forbes kerfuffle.
Reporter Nancy Weiner interviewed several “career girls” about their response to Michael Noer’s bizarre anti-working woman diatribe. It’s good stuff.
ABC news also reported that Steve Forbes, the editor-in-chief of Forbes issued an apology about the article:
“The piece was intended to be part academic and part humorous…Instead, it profoundly offended hardworking career women everywhere. We deeply regret having done so.”
Eh, kind of a half-assed apology if you ask me…
In any case, WIMN’s Voices is asking that people thank ABC World News for running a piece that went to female sources and “properly contextualized the Forbes article as offensive and inaccurate.”

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