Madeleine Shaw: Flow Lover & Founder of Lunapads

Madeleine Shaw would never be caught taking a pill to stop her period. In fact, she loves and honors her period. And wishes more women would, too.
Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Madeleine [below right with business partner Suzanne Siemens] is the founder and partner of Lunapads International Products Ltd. Madeleine, now 38, had a lot of different career ambitions in her life, including being part of the foreign service, a fashion designer, and a social worker. But designing and making washable menstrual products ended up being her calling. And her feminist vehicle for change. Here’s Madeleine…

Madeleine Shaw would never be caught taking a pill to stop her period. In fact, she loves and honors her period. And wishes more women would, too.
Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Madeleine [below right ...

Honor killings have a new name in Turkey.

This is just horrifying.
Since the Turkish government began cracking down on honor killings last year, a new trend is currently being investigated by the UN: serial suicides among young girls and women.
These incidents have been occurring mostly in the Kurdish southeast. An example is in Batman, where 10 of the 14 people who have committed suicide have been women and girls under the age of 23. (A few were as young as 12 years old.)
Activists are saying that these girls and women are being forced by their families to commit suicide because male relatives that usually commit honor killings are being given life sentences under a new penal code. In result, these girls ...

This is just horrifying.
Since the Turkish government began cracking down on honor killings last year, a new trend is currently being investigated by the UN: serial suicides among young girls and women.

Wie asked to “prove herself” to male golfers. Ew.

While I must admit I couldn’t help giggling when this columnist told golf prodigy Michelle Wie, “You go, girl!�, at least he pointed out the lack of support and respect that she should be getting from fellow professional golfers.
U.S. Open Champion Michael Campbell was asked last week about Wie being given a sponsor’s exemption to play against men in a European Tour event this coming fall. He replies:

“I can go two different ways with this question. I can be politically correct and say it’s wonderful to see Michelle Wie at a European Tour event and promote it. Or I could say she’s got to prove herself that she can win on the women’s tour before she ...

While I must admit I couldn’t help giggling when this columnist told golf prodigy Michelle Wie, “You go, girl!�, at least he pointed out the lack of support and respect that she should be ...

Too posh to push?

Another article discussing the debate on childbirth was in BBC News today on how despite The Royal College of Midwives’ warning that too many women are having unnecessary caesareans, the rate in the UK has not gone down — presently, 1 in 4 babies are delivered by caesarean. (Compared to 1 in 5 five years ago.)
While the Department of Health seems to believe that the caesarean rate is not a problem, experts have been trying to decrease the number of women who get the surgery when they don’t really need it, which is dubbed as “Too posh to push.�
Even Deputy General Secretary Louise Silverton noted, “Women may choose Caesarean section due to their fear ...

Another article discussing the debate on childbirth was in BBC News today on how despite The Royal College of Midwives’ warning that too many women are having unnecessary caesareans, the rate in the ...

AFAssholes attack Ford. Again.

Nerve pointed out yesterday how the new Ford ad has got the American Family Association’s panties up in a bunch. The new ad is a commercial that features two lesbians kissing. The audacity! Their response:

“Notice the wording at the bottom of the ad: ‘Standing strong with America’s families…’ Since this ad was run in a homosexual publication, evidently Ford considers two homosexuals to be a ‘family.‘”

And you just figured this out?
You can find all of their ridiculous rants on the new site specifically created just for their Ford boycott. Their latest: “Ford supports polygamous homosexuality!�

Nerve pointed out yesterday how the new Ford ad has got the American Family Association’s panties up in a bunch. The new ad is a commercial that features two lesbians kissing. The audacity! ...

Cyberfeminist note of the day.

According to this new study, people who have traditionally female usernames in chat rooms receive 25 times more threatening and sexually inappropriate messages than people with traditionally male or even ambiguous usernames.

According to this new study, people who have traditionally female usernames in chat rooms receive 25 times more threatening and sexually inappropriate messages than people with traditionally male or even ambiguous usernames.

GPS for child molesters in Wisconsin.

As Wisconsin gets tougher on laws pertaining to sex offenders and child molesters, they recently developed a pretty interesting way of tracking and monitoring convicted child molesters.
via UPI.

Wisconsin has enacted a law that requires paroled child molesters to wear a Global Positioning System tracking device for at least 20 years.
“Expanded GPS will help law enforcement know exactly where these people are every minute of every day,” said Gov. Jim Doyle as he signed the bill into law Monday in Madison.
Under the system, warnings would be issued if a sex offender gets near a school, park or other places frequented by children, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Tuesday.

This is an interesting idea, but a little creepy. Like ...

As Wisconsin gets tougher on laws pertaining to sex offenders and child molesters, they recently developed a pretty interesting way of tracking and monitoring convicted child molesters.
via UPI.

Wisconsin has enacted a law that requires paroled ...

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