Boys, bias, and the danger of glitter

It’s been super-trendy recently to cover the “gender imbalance” in colleges and how poor boys are getting the shit end of the education stick. Now, it seems our evil feminist plan has spread over to high schools. Sigh.
The Boston Globe recently reported on Doug Anglin, a 17 year-old at Milton High School who has filed a federal civil rights complaint claiming that his school discriminates against boys.
Some of my favorite parts of Anglin’s complaint:

…”The system is designed to the disadvantage of males,” Anglin said. “From the elementary level, they establish a philosophy that if you sit down, follow orders, and listen to what they say, you’ll do well and get good grades. Men naturally rebel against this.”

Yeah, mofo. That’s called school. And if men “naturally rebel” against following orders, why aren’t guys fleeing from the hierarchical structure of the institutions like the army?

Grading on homework, which sometimes includes points for decorating a notebook, also favor girls, according to Anglin’s complaint…”You can’t expect a boy to buy pink paper and frills to decorate their notebooks,” [senior Kelli] Little said.

Seriously, guys. Don’t you know that boys spontaneously combust if they’re even in same room with a glue stick?

Larry O’Connor, another Milton High senior who supports Anglin…said he is surrounded by a sea of girls in his classes.

Noooo! They’re everywhere! (As Katha Pollitt said recently, maybe these boys “will just have to learn to learn in a room full of smart females.” (The horror.)

[Anglin] also wants the school to abolish its community service requirement, saying it’s another burden that will just set off resistance from boys, who may skip it and fail to graduate as a result.

Um, ok. So community service is too girly?
Not wanting to do your work and being prone to skip required classes doesn’t amount to discrimination. It’s just means you’re not a great student. Jeez.

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