The Period Wars: Our cups won’t runneth over

Searching for the perfect menstrual accoutrement wasn’t super high on my list of priorities. But when Popgadget pointed me to the DivaCup, the internal struggle began.
The DivaCup is a reusable menstrual cup made of latex-free, medical grade silicone. It markets itself as safer and more environmentally friendly than tampons.

The DivaCup is very sanitary, comfortable, reliable and convenient. It holds one full ounce (30 ml). Since the entire cycle is an average of 3-4 ounces (90-120 ml), most women find that the cup is not even half full after 12 hours…Depending on your flow empty the cup 2-3 times per 24 hour day, wash and reinsert. It can be worn up to 12 hours, even overnight.

So it’s the whole collecting-is-better-than-absorbing idea, which I’m kind of into considering recent health concerns about tampons.
A couple of years ago I became an Instead-convert. The Instead softcup is kind of like the DivaCup but it’s disposable, so it’s not as environmentally friendly. I’ve never tried the DivaCup, but it doesn’t look as comfortable as Instead–it’s got that weird pully-outy thing at the bottom. Another positive of Instead: it’s a-okay for intercourse. Not so much with the DivaCup (again, cause of the pully-outy). But I’m open minded…
Has anyone given Ms. Diva a try and want to share?
(And yeah, I know I didn’t mention pads. Sorry, they just remind me of junior high.)

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