i heart ashley

While it may piss me off that some celebrities have more political power than more intelligent and influential minds in this country, I must say that Ashley Judd kicks motherfuckin’ ass in the feminist activist department.
Judd testified at a recent Congressional hearing on the urgency to address gender equality in the battle against HIV/AIDS in developing nations. While the hearing was primarily directed towards developing a vaccine, Judd said:
“Having an AIDS vaccine would be of great benefit to women of all ages because it could reduce their chances of becoming infected…As there is not a vaccine to prevent abuse of women, however, there is nothing more important in the struggle against this disease than reversing destructive social norms that endanger women across Africa and in other developing countries.”
As a Global Ambassador for YouthAIDS, Judd has traveled through Africa and Asia to educate especially women and girls about HIV/AIDS. She is also on the Board of Directors of Population Services International.

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