Boy, do I wish I was there.

Did y’all hear about the NYU student who blew up Justice Antonin Scalia’s spot in the middle of a Q&A session at the NYU Annual Survey of American Law? NYU law school student Eric Berndt asked him, “Do you sodomize your wife?” Awesome.
Berndt first asked Scalia to explain his disagreement in Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court case that overturned Bowers v. Hardwick and eliminated the nation’s sodomy laws. When Scalia bullshitted around the question, Berndt popped the big question. His microphone was turned off immediately. Check out the letter that Berndt sent to his fellow students in NYU in explanation for his behavior, reprinted by the Nation. Here’s a little section:
Although my question was legally relevant, as I explain below, an independent motivation for my speech-act was to simply subject a homophobic government official to the same indignity to which he would subject millions of gay Americans. It was partially a naked act of resistance and a refusal to be silenced. I wanted to make him and everyone in the room aware of the dehumanizing effect of trivializing such an important relationship. Justice Scalia has no pity for the millions of gay Americans on whom sodomy laws and official homophobia have such an effect, so it is difficult to sympathize with his brief moment of “humiliation,” as some have called it. The fact that I am a law student and Scalia is a Supreme Court Justice does not require me to circumscribe my justified opposition and outrage within the bounds of jurisprudential discourse.
Well said. The only thing that sucked about the Q&A session was that it was closed-to-the-press. I would have loved to see the look on Scalia’s face.

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