Student pic of girl wearing tux is banned

Apparently I’m a little late on this crazy-ass story out of Florida, but I had to write something:

Kelli Davis, 18, had her senior class photo taken in a tuxedo top and bow-tie outfit provided for boys rather than the gown-like drape and pearls provided for girls. The school’s principal decided it could not appear in the yearbook because she didn’t follow the dress code.
Kelli, a straight-A student with no discipline problems, is a self-proclaimed lesbian. She said she was uncomfortable to have her chest exposed in the photo. “Because that’s me, you know. That represents me. The drape does not,” Davis said. “They’re not accepting me, that’s the whole reason we’re here.”

Kelli’s school principal decided to ban her pic from the school yearbook. Lovely.
Even better, School Superintendent David Owens said that the decision had nothing to do with Kelli’s sexual orientation: “There’s a dress code to follow — a dress code expected for senior pictures in the yearbook, and she chose not to follow them. It’s just that simple.” Yeah fucking right.
You gotta love this girl’s parents though; they wanted to make sure that their daughter’s picture made it into the year book, so they bought a two-page ad in the back of the book for $700, which will feature the picture.

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