NYC Women More Likely to be Killed by an Intimate Partner

A new study by the NYC Health Department documents that women are more likely to be killed by an intimate partner than by a stranger. This is particularly true for immigrant women and women of color.
The study focused on the 1030 women killed in NYC between 1995 and 2002. Of those, only 12 were classified as homicides (i.e. committed by a stranger), while “339 were committed by intimate partners, 369 by others, and 322 were unknown.” More than 60% were killed in their homes. Women in their 20’s and 30’s were likely to be killed by intimate partner, while women in their 50’s were more likely to be killed by a stranger.
Particularly disturbing were the statistics on immigrant women and women of color in the study.
* 49% of the women killed were black, and they made up 46 percent of those killed by an intimate partner.
* More than a third of the women killed by an intimate partner were Hispanic.
* 50% of the women killed by intimate partners were immigrants.
What does it all mean? Well, the study’s conclusion was simply that, “Intimate partner femicide remains a major public health issue in New York City.” Yeah, I would say so. While all the post-Giuliania officials like to rattle on about how safe NYC is, this study is a reminder of how “crime-fighting” isn’t addressing the needs of a large group of women–particularly women of color and immigrant women.
The Times also interviewed, Carolyn A. Kubitschek, an attorney specializing in domestic violence cases. Discussing a lack of shelter space for DV victims in the Manhattan area, Kubitschek notes that: “One of the big dilemmas is where can these women go. There are still battered women who need a place to go tonight and can’t find it.”
If you are victim of domestic violence in the NYC area in need of shelter, contact Safe Horizon at 1.800.621.HOPE. For more resources contact the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence and check out the Feministing Violence Against Women Resource Page.

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