LL Cool K

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We all know that both Bush and Kerry are earnestly courting women’s votes. But what I didn’t know is that the press can’t seem to make up their mind over who’s doing a better job.
Recent articles would have you believe that Kerry’s lead among women is slipping, but despite all this brouhaha, the fact remains that the Ladies Love Cool Kerry. (Forgive me; I couldn’t help myself…)
But apparently there’s one thing the press can agree upon: it’s no accident.
From the NY Times:
It was no accident that John Kerry appeared Tuesday on “Live With Regis and Kelly” and recalled his days as a young prosecutor in a rape case. Or that he then flew from New York to Jacksonville, Fla., to promote his health care proposals. Or that on Thursday in Davenport, Iowa, he will preside over a forum on national security with an audience solely of women.
From the San Francisco Chronicle:
It’s no accident: First lady Laura Bush, at seven campaign stops in the last eight days, has employed exactly the same phrasing to pound in an important theme to the women who crowd her events.
I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. Isn’t there such a thing as an original lead anymore?
Repetitive media aside, I’m getting a little tired of these articles saying that women’s fears over terrorism are leading them to Bush. I would hope at this point, women know about Bush’s incessant war on women and that his claims of being a champion of women are, well, complete and total bullshit. What really gets me is when the administration claims that Bush’s actions in Afghanistan freed women from the Taliban. Umm, I’m pretty sure that feminists were going nutty over the treatment of Afghan women for years and no one did squat. But when you need to pull out that ladies-love-me card, the issue is quite useful.
The moral of my incensed-story? Prove this recent media nonsense wrong! Kerry is the only choice for women this November. So let’s get to it—register if you’re not already; if you are, send this along to friends.
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