Feministing launches!

Too often, young women’s voices aren’t heard, whether it’s in school, in the media, or at the dinner table. But most importantly, our input is absent where it matters most: on issues that affect us directly.
Reproductive rights, sexual assault, domestic violence, education: these issues and others have distinct and notable effects on young women, yet are almost always addressed in a way that excludes us. What’s more, there are areas that are not immediately identifiable as pertaining to young women that we need to lay claim to: child care and equal pay, for example.
Feministing will be an interactive space for young women to stay on top of the news and issues that affect us, and to exchange thoughts and ideas with each other.
Clearly, your Feministing contributors can’t speak for all women, but we hope our views and analyses will resonate with many of you, and that we can spark needed discussions.
It’s time for women of our generation to have their chance and a place to make their voices heard.
If you are interested in contributing to Feministing, please contact Jessica.

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